The Tokyo Subway system on Google Maps

by Paul Goodchild

Ever wondered how the incredible mesh, that is the Tokyo underground rail network, looks from space?  Well since it’s underground, it doesn’t really matter how far up you go, you wont be able to see it…

But… someone has gone to the trouble of super-imposing all the subway lines and their stations onto a Google Map, in a very neat way.  The map includes all the Tokyo Metro and Toei Subway lines, not counting the newly completed line (Fukutoshin line), at the time of writing.

Here it is.

Click each circle that represents each to view the route of the line. Clicking the “Satellite” button makes for a very interesting view of Tokyo.  Here’s a quick breakdown of what each letter represents (in bold), in case you don’t recognise them:

  • Ginza (銀座)
  • Marunouchi (丸の内)
  • Hibiya (日比谷)
  • Tōzai (東西)
  • Chiyoda (千代田)
  • Yurakuchō (有楽町)
  • hanZōmon (半蔵門)
  • Namboku (南北)
  • Asakusa (浅草)
  • mIta (三田)
  • Shinjuku (新宿)
  • ōEdo (大江戸)


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