Where to find the cheapest gym in Tokyo

by Paul Goodchild

If you live in Tokyo, chances are you aren’t surrounded by the lush green rolling hills of the countryside back home(!).  The work-out that comes with stepping out your front door to do just about anything isn’t there any longer.  So the natural solution is to go to the gym.  But it costs money, and depending on the gym, it costs a lot of money.

What’s the alternative?  Well, given that you’re an upstanding member of the community and you pay residential taxes, you hope hope there’d be perks somewhere. And there are!  While they might make it as difficult for cyclists as they possibly can in the city, they do provide great facilities for their constituents – one of these is a gym for most (all?) Wards in Tokyo, and I’m sure wherever you live in the country.

The gym costs

Membership is typically free for these gyms with the sole requirement that you are either a resident of, or working in, the particular Ward.  Nearly all the facilities you think you’d ever need are normally catered for.

Taking Minato-ku for example, they even have an English portion of their website detailing the facilities both for the sports centre (スポーツセンター) and also all other sporting facilities in the Ward.  It costs ¥400 per person to enter the sports centre and there is no horrendous monthly fee.  Granted, private gym facilities often have perks that accompany the service, but for those who don’t need the perks, this is a great option.

Where to find the gyms/sports centres

Below are some links for Wards in Tokyo – a simple Google search will yield some information quickly.  If you live in a particular ward and would like help to find some information on it, please leave a comment and I’ll help you search for it and add what I find to this article.

If your ‘Ku’ isn’t listed, which is likely, just find the Kanji for your particular Ward or area in Japan, and run a Google search.  It will likely be the first link on the results page.

Enter the site and look for ‘English’ or ‘Multilingual’ links and you’re practically on the home straight.  If you find information to add, please let me know in the comments section and I’ll add it to this post in the section above for all to benefit.

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