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June 29, 2009
When you have over-sized rubbish – that is, large items that don’t fit into your normal rubbish bags, you have to go through certain procedures to get rid of them. I’m referring here to normal large size waste that is bigger than 30cm x 30cm x 30cm, and not home appliances and personal computers. In […]
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June 8, 2009
Recently I’ve been trying to get out and get more hiking done in and around Tokyo so each time I get to do something, I’ll try and write up a quick summary for you so if you’re interested, you can have a go at it too. The route The route I took was Mitake-san (御岳山) […]
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April 20, 2009
If you live in Tokyo, chances are you aren’t surrounded by the lush green rolling hills of the countryside back home(!). The work-out that comes with stepping out your front door to do just about anything isn’t there any longer. So the natural solution is to go to the gym. But it costs money, and […]
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April 17, 2009
Tokyo… it’s a pretty big place. Officially as of October 2007, the population of Tokyo is approximately 10% of country, which is roughly 12.790 million people. The Tokyo prefecture is the 3rd smallest by land area (2.187km²) making it the most densely populated prefecture. So how does everyone get around? It’s like any major city […]
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March 19, 2009
Before ever venturing out anywhere in Japan, either for a day-trip, or a party/event, I will nearly always print a map for where I’m going. It’s part of my character and I don’t really know what other way to operate comfortably. If for example I’m given an address for a venue, I will nearly always […]
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